“Secretarias e Setoriais Relações Internacionais PT
OFFICIAL NOTE 12/07/2017 : Lula condemnation represents attack on democracy
In a note, the national leadership says that the PT will maintain its intransigent defense to Lula, for believing in his absolute innocence.
The condemnation of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva represents an attack on democracy and the Federal Constitution. Although it is a first instance decision, it is a wrong, arbitrary and absolutely illegal measure, conducted by a partial judge, who reports to the media and public opinion he created against former President Lula.
The verdict is based exclusively on plea bargain agreements negotiated over months with confessed criminals, and simply validates the convictions contained in the prosecution of prosecutors of the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, without there being any evidence to justify condemnation under the terms of Brazilian law.
Lula is not above the law, either below it. What happens is a process of persecution that constitutes a constitutional aberration; A typical case of lawfare, in which undue legal resources are used as an end to political persecution. In his case, it is sought to impute crimes to him based on theories backed only by the word of convicted criminals, incapable to prove their affirmations by means of documents or of bank transfers.
Lula’s condemnation is yet another chapter of the farce led by the coup consortium that took over the country to suppress social and labor rights, extend the time for people to retire, cut essential spending on health and education and, above all, sell important state-owned enterprises Petrobras, Infraero, Caixa Econômica and Banco do Brasil (Bank of Brazil).
Curiously, the veredict came a day after the vote on measures that took workers’ rights out, and will now be forgotten.
PT will maintain its intransigent defense to Lula, for believing in its absolute innocence. Lula is a recognized leader in the world for the advancements promoted ahead of the Presidency. Today, more than ever, we stand in solidarity with Lula, and with his children and grandchildren. In addition, we reinforce our grieve over the death of his wife Marisa Letícia Lula da Silva. We know that there will be Justice in other instances of judgment and that the whole truth will come to the surface. History will be the main witness of his verdict of acquittal and greatness.
Viva Lula!
PT – Workers’ Party of Brazil”
15. Mai 2017 Gesprächsrunde in englischer Sprache im LAI FU Berlin
SOS Lula – Berlin (https://soslula.org) and Latein-Amerika Forum Berlin e.V.
Zeit und Ort: 15. Mai 2017, 18 Uhr-20 Uhr, ZI Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI) der Freien Universität Berlin, Raum 201
Adresse: Rüdesheimer Str. 54 – 56, 14197 Berlin, ÖPNV: U 3 Breitenbachplatz
Der Umgang der brasilianischen Justiz mit dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wirft Fragen über die Rolle der Judikative im Rahmen der gegenwärtigen Krise in Brasilien auf:
Werden dabei juristische Mittel zu Hilfswaffen im politischen Machtkampf missbraucht und ist dies daher ein weiterer Fall von Lawfare? Arbeiten Medien und Justiz zusammen, um die parteipolitischen Disputen zu beeinflussen? Welche Verteilungskonflikte verbergen die Kontroversen um den Fall Lula? Wie könnte eine unabhängige Justiz zur Überwindung der institutionellen Krise in Brasilien beitragen?
Diese Fragen werden wir mit Valeska Teixeira Martins, Lulas Anwältin in Brasilien, und Geoffrey Robertson, Lulas Anwalt beim Hochkommissariat für Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen in Genf in einem offenen Gespräch diskutieren.
Zur Veranstaltung laden herzlich ein:
- das Lateinamerika-Institut der FU Berlin
- die Berliner Initiative SOS Lula https://soslula.org
- das Lateinamerika-Forum Berlin e.V./Foro das Américas
Zeit und Ort: 15. Mai 2017, 18 Uhr-20 Uhr, ZI Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI) der Freien Universität Berlin, Raum 201
Adresse: Rüdesheimer Str. 54 – 56, 14197 Berlin, ÖPNV: U 3 Breitenbachplatz
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, eine vorherige Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Kontakt: Sérgio Costa
*”Lawfare is a form of asymmetric warfare, consisting of using the legal system against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, tying up their time or winning a public relations victory. The word is a portmanteau of the words law and warfare.” (wikipedia)
link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1889403941318570/
O processo contra Lula da Silva: um caso de Lawfare?
A forma como a justiça brasileira trata o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva levanta perguntas sobre o papel do Poder Judiciário no marco da atual crise brasileira: recorre-se de forma abusiva aos recursos jurídicos como armas auxiliares na luta pelo poder político e, diante disso, estamos diante de um outro caso de Lawfare? Os meios de comunicação e a Justiça trabalham juntos para influenciar as disputas partidárias? Que interesses econômicos se escondem atrás das controvérsias em torno do caso Lula? Como uma Justiça independente poderia contribuir para a superação da crise institucional no Brasil?
Essas perguntas serão discutidas com Valeska Teixeira Martins, advogada de Lula, e Geoffrey Robertson, advogado de Lula junto ao Alto Comissariado de Direitos Humanos da ONU, em Genebra. Convidam para a atividade:
- a iniciativa SOS Lula, de Berlim (https://soslula.org)
- o Instituto Latino-Americano (LAI) da Universidade Livre de Berlim
- o Foro das Américas Berlim e. V. (LAF)
Data: 15 maio de 2017, de 18 a 20 h.
Local: Instituto Latino-Americano da Universidade Livre de Berlim, sala 201.
Endereço: Rüdesheimer Str. 54, 14197 Berlim. Transporte público: U 3 Breitenbachplatz.
Entrada gratuita. Não é necessário inscrição prévia. link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1889403941318570/